We Engage

We engage with different organizations to further ESG and sustainability and enable meaningful contributions towards sustainable development. Engagements with advocacy bodies, Govt, and regulatory authorities focus on pushing ESG and sustainability to the mainstream. In contrast, engagement with organizations focuses on enabling organizations to build capacity for understanding, managing and reporting on ESG and sustainability.

We assist clients in developing and implementing ESG strategies, measuring and managing material sustainability-related risks and opportunities and their impact on the environment and society, and disclosing and reporting on material ESG risks, opportunities, and impacts to stakeholders.

With our ESG Consulting help, our clients become well-recognized leaders in Sustainability / ESG, achieving competitive advantage in the marketplace and wider recognition among other important societal stakeholders—customers/clients, employees, regulators, business partners, and the larger society.

Today, corporate "ESG" performance is about the organization's strategies, approaches to and management of environmental aspects of operations, corporate governance policies & practices, and performance and achievements on a widening range of Environmental, "Social" or societal issues, and Corporate Governance. Capital market players are using ESG factors to make investment decisions.


CSRCP works with different organization for provsion of consultacny services to these organizations. The details of some of our recent assignments are as follows;

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